This sports tool has a form of an inclined ladder to increase the number of exercises you can perform here. It helps enhance your physical endurance and strength, build muscle mass, and cause fat-burning effect.
3 mm steel and special covering provide fine protection from adverse external factors. The equipment is installed to basic construction. You can fix a variety of equipment on this tool: the gymnastic tapes, resistance bands, a punching bag, and do other exercises, except chin-ups and push-ups, to improve all the muscles of your body. You can take the KF010ZEC with zinc-coating for working out outdoors.
The equipment lets you work out the muscles of the chest, the deltas, arms (the biceps and the triceps), and the glutes.
To do chin-ups and pull-ups, grab the bars and then lift your body until your chin reaches the level of the bars. You can do it with different grips, thanks to the design of the KF010.