Inter Atletika, page 2
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Leg Curl/Extension Combo Inter Atletika BT111
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Row Machine Inter Atletika BT112
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Deltoid Machine Inter Atletika BT113
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Abductor Machine Inter Atletika BT114
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Adductor Machine Inter Atletika BT115
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Anatomic Abdominal Machine Inter Atletika BT116
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Rotary Torso Inter Atletika BT117
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Lat-Row Machine Inter Atletika BT118
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Calf Machine, standing position Inter Atletika BT119
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Calf Machine, inclined Inter Atletika BT120
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Pullover Inter Atletika BT123
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Rear Deltoid/Pectoral Fly Inter Atletika BT124
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Assisted Pull-Up/Dip Inter Atletika BT125
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Wrist-Forearm Inter Atletika BT126
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Vertical Press Inter Atletika BT127
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Inclined Press Inter Atletika BT128
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Inter Atletika brand unites 7 lines of professional sport equipment: Interatletik Gym (2 lines: ST & BT), XR, NRG, Verti & Explode.
It is more than 1000 different items of equipment – from weight plates to functional training stations. We continuously expand our range to meet all the modern requirements and trends
Every line has its own unique design, so you have a great choice of equipment to satisfy your aesthetic needs.
You can also be sure of reliability of our machines, because we use minimum 2.5 mm metal ensuring durability of equipment and its ability to withstand high loads.